Where possible I've linked to the presentation materials below. You can view all of my public presentations on my Slideshare page. A preview of upcoming workshops can be found on the right - go to the Events page for full details.
coming up next
March 13th, Marketing Public Libraries, presentation at South Dublin Libraries conference, Dublin
March 12th, Public Library Social Media in a Post-Twitter world, presentation at the Edge2025 Conference, Edinburgh
February 12th, Social Media for Health Libraries, workshop for NHS Library Knowledge Services (North)
February 6th, Presentation Skills, workshop for CPD25
January 31st, Bluesky for libraries and cultural organisations, workshop for UKeIG
December 17th, Developing your teaching, workshop for the Business Librarians Association
December 5th, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and beyond: video marketing, workshop for UKeIG
November 20th, Social Media for Health Libraries, online workshop for YOHHLNet NHS Libraries
November 5th, Public Library Social Media in a Post-Twitter World, talk at the Library Association of Ireland Conference, in KilKenny
October 4th, Social Media for cultural orgs in a Post-Twitter World, workshop for UKeIG
September 11th + 18th, Better Social Media for Libraries, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
August 8th, AI and Library Marketing, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
July 30th, Instagram and library marketing, full-day workshop at the University of Kent
July 10th, Library Newsletters and email communication, online workshop for PLAN, Florida
July 3rd, Promoting Public Libraries Online, workshop for the Local Government Management Agency, Ireland
June 13th, Presenting and Teaching Online, workshop for the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University
June 6th, Better Social Media: What’s Next For Libraries In a Post-Twitter World? workshop for UKeIG
May 16th, Video Marketing For Libraries: How To Create, Promote and Evaluate, workshop for UKeIG
April 24th, Presentation Skills, workshop for CPD25
April 23rd, Strategic Library Marketing, online lecture for the Sheffield iSchool distance-learning Library Masters programme
April 18th, Strategic Library Marketing, in-house workshop for the Open University
April 12th, Hybrid Presenting and Teaching, workshop for NHS Wales
March 28th, Library Newsletters and email communication, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
March 22nd, Better Social Media: What’s Next For Libraries In a Post-Twitter World? workshop for UKeIG
March 20th, Video Marketing For Libraries: How To Create, Promote and Evaluate, workshop for UKeIG
March 13t + 20th, Video Marketing For Libraries: How To Create, Promote and Evaluate, online workshop for PLAN, Florida
March 5th, Strategic Library Marketing, lecture on the Sheffield iSchool Library Masters programme
February 23rd, Strategic Library Marketing, in-house workshop for the University of Leicester
February 22nd, Interactive Tools For Presentations and Teaching, workshop for UKeIG
February 1st, Campaign Marketing For Libraries, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
January 19th, Better Social Media: What’s Next For Libraries In a Post-Twitter World?, workshop for UKeIG
January 18th, A jargon-free introduction to marketing, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
January 10th, Social Media Surgery, workshop for the British Library and the Library On network
December 20th, Instagram for Libraries, workshop for PLAN, USA
October 12th, Marketing ebooks, workshops for the 5 Nations eBooks event
September 22nd, Instagram for Libraries, workshop for Hertfordshire Libraries
September 21st + 28th, Better Social Media for Libraries, two-part online workshop for PLAN, USA
September 8th, Social Media for Health Libraries, social media workshop for NHS England
September 7th + 14th, Presentation Skills, two-part online workshop for PLAN, USA
August 31st, Presentations, Newsletters and Writing for the web, online workshop for University of South Australia, Adelaide
July 21st, School Library Social Media, online workshop for Glasgow City Council
July 11th + 13th, Interactive Tools for Presentations and Teaching, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
June 26th, Signage, Wayfinding & User-Centred Design, talk for University of Nottingham
June 22nd + 29th, Strategic Marketing, two-part online workshop for PLAN, USA
June 16th, Presentation Skills, online workshop for Saskatchewan Health Libraries Association in Canada
June 15th, Twitter for Libraries, in-house workshop for Queensland University of Technology, Australia
June 15th, Strategic Marketing, workshop for UKeIG
June 7th, Communicating the benefits of UX to everyone who needs to hear it, workshop at the UXLibs conference, Brighton
May 26th, A jargon-free introduction to library marketing, online Power Hour
May 25th, Strategic Marketing & UX for Health Libraries, full-day online workshop for the NHS
May 23rd, Presentation Skills, full day presentation skills workshop for the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University
April 27th, Instagram for Libraries, workshop for Hertfordshire Libraries
March 31st, Strategic Marketing for Open Access Publishing, online workshop for COPIM
March 23rd, Strategic Marketing, online workshop for UKeIG
March 23rd, An Introduction to UX in Libraries, online workshop for YOHLLNet NHS Libraries
March 17th, Post-Twitter Social Media for Libraries, online workshop for the Welsh Government
March 14th + 16th, Instagram and Facebook for Libraries, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
February 24th, Video Marketing For Libraries: How To Create, Promote and Evaluate, online workshop for UKeIG
February 9th, Social Media for Health Libraries, social media workshop for the NHS
February 3rd, Strategic Marketing & UX for Health Libraries, full-dayworkshop for the NHS
January 26th, Better Social Media, workshop for UKeIG
January 20th, Social Media for Health Libraries, social media workshop for the NHS
January 11th, Signage, Wayfinding & User-Centred Design, talk for University of Strathclyde
December 15th, Strategic Marketing, workshop for YOHLLNET
December 9th, Strategic Marketing, online workshop for UKeIG
December 8th, Social Media for Health Libraries, online social media workshop for the NHS
December 2nd, Campaign Marketing for Health Libraries, online training for CHILL, London
November 30th, Presentation skills, online training for CPD25
November 17th, Better Social Media for Libraries, online social media workshop for Flinders University, Australia
November 17th, Strategic Marketing & UX for Health Libraries, full-day online workshop for the NHS
November 3rd, Social Media for Health Libraries, online social media workshop for the NHS
October 20th, Interactive Tools For Presentations and Teaching, online workshop for LIEM
September 15th, Better Social Media for Libraries, online social media workshop for UKeIG
September 15th, Interactive Tools For Presentations and Teaching, online workshop for the NHS
July 26th + 27th, PowerPoint Is Your Secret Weapon, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
June 16th, A social media manifesto, online presentation at #VALA2022, Melbourne. Video here
June 8th, Ask not what you can do for UX, but what UX can do for your organisation, co-presentation with Paul Harding at the UXLibs conference, Newcastle (see the Open Access article version of this presentation here)
May 27th, PowerPoint Is Your Secret Weapon, online workshop for the Business Librarians Association
May 26th, Video Marketing For Libraries: How To Create, Promote and Evaluate, online workshop for UKeIG
May 18th, PowerPoint Is Your Secret Weapon, online workshop for the Georgia Health Sciences Library Association, USA
May 5th, Presentation Skills, full day presentation skills workshop for the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University
May 4th, Better Social Media, in-house social media workshop for the University of Bradford
April 28th, Refreshing and reenergising your social media, online training for the British Library
April 14th, Library Marketing and Social Media, online workshop for AWEN, Wales
April 8th, Better Social Media for Libraries, online social media workshop for UKeIG
March 25th, Creating Engaging Online Content, online workshop for South Western Regional Library Services
March 24th, Social Media Marketing, online workshop for Queen’s University Belfast
March 10th, Strategic Marketing, online workshop for UKeIG
February 22nd, Library brand and library branding, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
February 17th, Better Social Media for Libraries, online social media workshop for UKeIG
February 11th, Interactive Tools For Presentations and Teaching, online workshop for the Business Librarians Association
February 10th, PowerPoint Is Your Secret Weapon, online workshop for LIEM
January 27th, Interactive Tools For Presentations and Teaching, online workshop for UKeIG
January 20th, Instagram for Libraries, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
November 18th, Presentation skills, online training for CPD25
October 28th, Better Social Media for Libraries, online social media workshop for UKeIG
Sept 30th / Oct 1st, Presentation Skills for Special Librarians, two-day online workshop for the Initiative Fortbildung, Germany
July 20th / 22nd, Video Marketing for Libraries, two-part online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
July 15th, Strategic Marketing for Libraries, online workshop for University of Huddersfield
July 9th, Library Social Media, online workshop for University of Lancaster Library
July 8th, PowerPoint Is Your Secret Weapon, online workshop for NHS-Wales
June 24th, Library Social Media, online in-house workshop for the Scottish Poetry Library, Edinburgh
June 11th, Book Takeout and User-Focused Delivery, online presentation at the NEFLIN Conference, Florida, USA
June 10th, Campaign Marketing for Health Libraries, online workshop for NHS-Wales
June 10th, Interactive Tools and Online Teaching, online workshop for UKeIG
June 8th, Rough Edges and Risks: building genuine relationships through library social media, presentation at the #LibSocMed online event
June 3rd, Developing the @UoYLibrary voice on social media, presentation for the Lancaster University Library
May 28th, Strategic Marketing, online workshop for UKeIG
May 20th, Creating Effective Video for Libraries, online training for LIEM
May 6th, Presentation Skills, full day presentation skills workshop, online for the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University
April 8th, Strategic Library Marketing, online training for CPD25
March 26th, Library Social Media During The Pandemic, online workshop for UKeIG
March 25th, An Introduction to UX in Libraries, online workshop for NEFLIN, Florida
March 18th, Library Social Media, online workshop for City of London Libraries
March 11th, Marketing Libraries Online, online workshop for SWRLS
March 4th, Library Social Media During The Pandemic, online workshop for UKeIG
February 18th, Creating Engaging Online Content, online workshop for SWRLS
February 11th, Library Social Media: Facebook and Instagram, online workshop for the Welsh Government
February 4th, Library Social Media: Twitter, online workshop for the Welsh Government
February 4th, Library Social Media During The Pandemic, online workshop for UKeIG
January 29th, Campaign Marketing for Libraries, online workshop at the CILIP MCG Conference
December 11th, Social Media, online workshop for the Royal College of Nursing
December 10th, Strategic Marketing and Communication, online workshop for the Royal College of Nursing
December 3rd, Libray Social Media During the Pandemic, online workshop for UKeIG
November 27th, Strategic Marketing, online training for LIEM
November 26th, Presentation skills, online training for CPD25
November 17th / 18th, Marketing your library service, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
November 13th, Presentation skills, online training for the NHS
November 5th, Presentation skills, online training for the NHS
October 12th, Marketing Public Libraries, online workshop for the LibMark in Lockdown Conference, Australia
September 24th, Social Media Marketing for NHS Libraries, online training for NHS Health England
August 10th, Interactive Tools and Online Teaching, online training for BIALL
July 14th / 16th, Social Media During a Pandemic, two-part online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
June 4th, Engaging Library Users with Facebook and Instagram, online training for the British Library’s Living Knowledge Network
May 27th, A jargon free introduction to library marketing, online training for the British Library’s Living Knowledge Network
May 18th, Presenting, Teaching and Training Online, pre-recorded training for the National Acquisitions Group
May 7th, Presentation Skills, full day presentation skills workshop, online for the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
April 30th, Building engagement on Twitter during the pandemic, online training for the British Library’s Living Knowledge Network
April 25th, Guest Lecture on Marketing Library Services, at the University of Sheffield Information School as part of their Masters course
April 14th + 15th, Interactive Tools for Online Teaching, two-part online training for NEFLIN, Flordia USA
February 12th, Strategic Marketing for Academic Libraries, full day in-house workshop for the University of Oslo, Norway
February 11th, Strategic Marketing for Academic Libraries, full day workshop for the Norwegian Association of Academic libraries, Bergen, Norway
January 13th, Better Social Media for Libraries, workshop delivered at De Montford University for LIEM, Leicester
December 13th, Strategic Marketing and Communication, full day in-house workshop for Leeds Beckett University Library
December 10th / 11th, Better Social Media, two-part online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
November 28th, Presentation Skills for information professionals, full-day workshop for CPD25, London
November 22nd, Better Social Media for Libraries, full-day workshop for CILIP Scotland, Glasgow
October 14th, Marketing your library: principles and actions, workshop at Internet Librarian International, London
October 11th, Better Social Media for Libraries, social media workshop for UKeIG, London
September 27th, Marketing Health Libraries, marketing workshop for NHS Health England, London
July 31st, UX and Ethnography in Libraries, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
July 25th, Better social media for libraries, full-day workshop for SALCTG in Edinburgh
June 28th, Presentation Skills for information professionals, full-day workshop for UKeIG, London
June 20th, Better Social Media for Libraries, workshop delivered at De Montford University for LIEM, Leicester
May 31st, Presentation Skills, full day presentation skills workshop for the University of Kent, Canterbury
May 23rd, Presentation Skills, full day presentation skills workshop for the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
May 9th, Better Social Media for Libraries, full-day in-house workshop the University of Sussex, Brighton
May 6th / 7th, Marketing your library service, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
April 11th, Presentation and Teaching Skills for Information Professionals, full-day internal workshop for the University of Durham
April 5th, Better Social Media for Libraries, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
April 1st, Annual Guest Lecture, on Marketing Library Services, at the University of Sheffield Information School as part of their Masters course
March 15th, Better Social Media for Libraries, full-day workshop for CILIP Scotland, Glasgow
February 22nd, Presentation Skills for Information Professionals, full-day in-house workshop for the British Library, London
February 15th, Presentation Skills for Information Professionals, full-day in-house workshop for the British Library, London
February 12th / 13th, Digital Communications, two-part online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
February 7th, Presentation Skills for Information Professionals, full-day workshop for the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds
December 14th, Digital Communciation and Social Media for Museums, Archives and Libraries, full-day workshop for the Welsh Government, Cardiff
December 6th, Digital Communciation and Social Media for Museums, Archives and Libraries, full-day workshop for the Welsh Government, Conwy
November 30th, Strategic Marketing for Museums, Archives and Libraries, full-day workshop for the Welsh Government, Cardiff
November 23rd, Marketing your library service, full-day workshop for the NOWAL, Edge Hill
November 16th, Strategic Marketing for Museums, Archives and Libraries, full-day workshop for the Welsh Government, Bangor
November 15th, UX at York: Embedding Ethnography & Design, keynote for the Stellenbosch Library Symposium, South Africa
November 9th, Better social media for libraries, full-day workshop for SALCTG in Edinburgh
October 15th, Marketing your library: principles and actions, full day workshop at Internet Librarian International, London
October 12th, Better Social Media for Libraries, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
September 20th, Branding the Academic Library, keynote for the Danish Research and Academic Libraries group, Billund Denmark
September 17th / 18th, Presentation Skills, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
September 13th, Better social media for libraries, full-day workshop for Newcastle University
July 19th, Presentation Skills, workshop delivered at De Montford University for LIEM, Leicester
June 29th, Marketing Your Library Service, workshop delivered at the All Wales Health Information & Library Extension Services, Cardiff
June 22nd, Presentation Skills for information professionals, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
June 21st, Marketing Your Library Service, full-day workshop for the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
June 5th, Embedding UX at the University of York, presentation with Michelle Blake at the UXLibs Conference, Sheffield
May 24th, Presentation Skills, full day presentation skills workshop for the Bodleian Libraires, Oxford
May 15th - June 11th, online marketing course run for InfoPeople, USA
May 10th, Presentation Skills for Information Professionals, full-day workshop for the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds
April 23rd, Annual Guest Lecture, on marketing library services, at University of Sheffield Information School as part of their Masters course
March 16th, Better Social Media for Libraries, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
March 15th, Better Social Media for Libraries, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
February 13th / 15th, So you've just taken over your library's social media, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
January 19th, Running Library Induction as a Marketing Campaign, presentation at the PPRG Conference, Birmingham
November 29th, Libraries, Technology + People, remote talk at NSW Libraries training day, Australia
November 16th, Bridging the gap: strategies to unite academic and librarian perspectives, workshop with David Brown at the Relationship Management Conference, Lancaster
November 10th, Better Social Media for Libraries, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
October 31st / November 1st, Marketing your library service, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
October 17th + 18th, Marketing Library Services, two-part online training for Massey University, New Zealand
October 16th, Marketing your library: principles and actions, full day workshop at Internet Librarian International, London
August 10th + 17th, Social Media: Next Steps, two-part online training for Australian libraries, with PiCS
August 9th, UX and Ethnography in Libraries, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
July 24th + 31st, Social Media: Next Steps, two-part online training for New Zealand libraries, with PiCS
July 10th + 14th, Digital Tools & Emerging Technologies, two-part online training for Australian libraries, with PiCS
June 29th + 30th, Social Media and Marketing for Libraries, two-day workshop for the Initiative Fortbildung in Berlin, Germany
June 16th + 23rd, Digital Tools & Emerging Technologies, two-part online training for Australian libraries, with PiCS
June 12th + 19th, Digital Tools & Emerging Technologies, two-part online training for New Zealand libraries, with PiCS
June 6th + 7th, UXLibs III: User Experience In Libraries Conference, Glasgow
May 22nd, Creating Amazing Prezi Presentations, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
May 12th, Marketing Your Library Service, full-day workshop for the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds
May 2nd, Marketing Modern Libraries, online training delivered for PCI Webinars, USA
April 28th, Digital Marketing Toolkit, full day workshop for Library and Information East Midlands, Nottingham
April 27th + May 4th, Marketing Your Library, two-part online training for Australian libraries, with PiCS
April 24th, Guest Lecture, on marketing library services, at Sheffield Information School as part of their Masters course
April 20th, Design and Ethnography in Libraries, talk for the Good Things Foundation, Sheffield
April 4th + 11th, Marketing your library, two-part online training for New Zealand libraries, with PiCS
March 17th, Starting small and scaling up: UX at York, talk at the Northern Collaboration UX event in Huddersfield
March 9th, Ethnography and Design in the Library: Explorations in UX, talk at the Human Computer Interaction research cluster, Computer Sciences, York
February 23rd, Presentation Skills, full day presentation skills workshop for the Bodleian Libraires, Oxford
February 17th, UX, Ethnography and Possibilities: for Libraries, Archives and Museums, talk for the Welsh Governments Marketing Awards for LAMs
February 13th / 15th, Twitter and Blogging: Next Steps, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
January 27th, Marketing Your Library Service, full-day workshop for the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
December 22nd, Word of Mouth Marketing for Libraries, online training delivered for PCI Webinars, USA
December 15th, Marketing your library service, full-day workshop for the Awen Cultural Trust, Bridgend, Wales
December 8th, Marketing your library service, full-day workshop for the Academic and Research Library Group, Loughborough
December 1st, Marketing Masterclass, full-day workshop for CILIP, London
November 24th, Twitter and Blogging for Organisations: Next Steps, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
July 25th / 27th, Presentation Skills, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
June 23rd + 24th, UXLibs II: User Experience In Libraries Conference, Manchester
June 17th, Twitter and Blogging for Organisations: Next Steps, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
June 16th, Marketing, Advocacy and Word of Mouth for front-line staff, 2 hour workshop for the University of Westminster, London
June 4th, Life, Librarianship + Everything, talk from #NLPNOpen event, Manchester
May 27th, Marketing your library service: principles and actions, full day communications workshop for the Bodleian Libraires, Oxford
May 5th, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for UKeIG, London
April 29th, Digital Marketing Toolit, full-day workshop for Academic and National Library Training Cooperative, Dublin Ireland
April 19th, Strategic Marketing for Libraries: what it is and what it is not, half-day workshop for Academic and National Library Training Cooperative, Dublin Ireland
April 15th, Marketing and Social Media for Health Libraries, full day workshop for East Midlands NHS Libraries, Derby
April 4th / 6th, Marketing your library service, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
March 4th, Making your message stick, full day presentation skills workshop for LIEM, De Montford University
Februrary 26th, Making your message stick, full day presentation skills workshop for the Bodleian Libraires, Oxford
January 25th / 27th, Emerging Technologies and Digital Communications, online training for NEFLIN, Florida USA
December 11th, Emerging Technologies and Digital Communications, full-day workshop for Newcastle University
November 12th, Emerging Technologies and Digital Communications, full-day workshop for PiCS, Wellington New Zealand
November 11th, Marketing your library service, workshop for LIANZA, Wellington New Zealand
November 10th, How to Shout so Your Users Will Listen, keynote for LIANZA Conference 2015, Wellington New Zealand
October 16th, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for CILIP NW + ARLG, Liverpool
October 2nd, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for the British Library
September 25th, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for the British Library
September 24th, Twitter and Blogging for Organisations: Improvers Level, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
September 4th, Digital Communications, full-day marketing with new technologies workshop for UKeIG, York
July 24th, Twitter and Blogging for Organisations: Improvers Level, full-day social media workshop for UKeIG, London
July 1st, Using social media as a leader and as a manager, webinar for SLA Leadership & Management Division
June 29th, Visitors and Residents: Useful Social Media in Libraries, keynote for Interlend 2015 in Manchester
June 26th, Strategic and Online Marketing, full day workshop for Oxford Brookes University
June 24th, Lights, Camera, Action Plans, members paper at the BLA Conference in Liverpool
June 19th, Strategic Marketing, full-day strategic marketing and social media workshop for the University of Salford Library
June 2nd, Marketing School Libraries, full-day strategic marketing and presentation skills workshop for the School Libraries Association, Bristol
May 20th, Strategic Marketing, half-day marketing and social media workshop for the University of the Arts, London
May 8th, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for CILIP-NE, Darlington
April 24th, Marketing your library service, full-day comms workshop for PiCS, Brisbane Australia
April 22nd, Marketing your library service, full-day comms workshop for PiCS, Sydney Australia
April 20th, Marketing your library service, full-day comms workshop for PiCS, Melbourne Australia
March 25th, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for UKeIG, London
March 5th, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for Libraries and Information East Midlands, Leicester
February 25th, Digital Communications, full-day marketing with new technologies workshop for UKeIG, London
Februrary 6th, Making your message stick, full day presentation skills workshop for the Bodleian Libraires, Oxford
January 15th, Establishing an eLibrary, half-day training for the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, online
December 3rd, Digital Communications, full-day marketing with new technologies workshop for UKeIG, London
December 1st, Social Media Marketing , for the York Publisher's Forum
November 26th, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for UKeIG, London
November 18th, Marketing your Library Service: Principles and Actions, full day workshop for ILIG, London
November 11th, Social Media Improvers, full day workshop for the British Library
November 12th, Social Media Improvers, full day workshop for the British Library
September: 17th, Taming PowerPoint half day workshop, and Introduction to Prezi half day workshop, both for the British Library
September: 18th, Taming PowerPoint half day workshop, and Introduction to Prezi half day workshop, both for the British Library
July: 11th, Tuning out the white noise, Keynote for BLA Annual Conference, Leicester
July: 2nd, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for School Librarians group, Ipswich
May: 22nd, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for the Open University
March: 27th, Making your message stick, full-day presentation skills workshop for UKeIG, London
March: 26th, The Digital Marketing Toolkit, full-day workshop for UKeIG, London
January: 16th, Presentation Skills, full day private workshop for the British Library
December: 12th, Marketing with Emerging Technologies, workshop for Health Libraries North, Newcastle
December: 2nd and 3rd: Prezi workshop (half day private workshop), An Introduction to Twitter (half day private workshop), An Introduction to Blogging (half day private workshop), Social Media Improvers (half day private workshop), all for the British Library
November: 12th, Making your message stick - Presentation Skills for Information Professionals, workshop for UKEIG in London
October: 7th - 11th, Rethinking Induction, and a full day workshop Marketing Libraries: Principles and Actions, plus You already have a brand: here's 5 ways to influence it: all at the LIASA Conference in South Africa.
September: 9th, Twitter for Customer Service, private workshop for the British Library at Boston Spa
August: 29th, Marketing Libraries: What the not-for-profits can learn from the lots-of-profits, free Webinar for WebJunction, view the full archive including slides and audio, here
May: 16th, Marketing with new technologies, UWE Bristol, Private workshop for ARLG
May 21st, Marketing with new technologies, Edinburgh, public workshop for UKeIG
April: 8th, Presentation Skills (full day private workshop for the British Library)
April 9th, Introduction to blogging for yourself and for the Library; Introduction to Tweeting for yourself and for the Library (half day private workshops for the British Library)
March 21st, Marketing with new technologies. Private workshop for the University of East London.
January: 29th, Presentation Skills (full day private workshop for the British Library)
January: 28th, An Introduction to Social Media (2 half day private workshops for the British Library)
Marketing with new technologies | York, December
All day workshop for UKeIG.Web 2.0 communication | London, November
Private workshop for the University of the Arts.An introduction to social media for organisations | York, September
All day workshop for UKeIG.Creating interactive maps with Prezi | Manchester, August
Private workshop for the Information Literacy Group.Internal marketing and academic libraries | Oxford, July 24
Private workshop for the Bodleian Libraries.Six things you - yes YOU! - can do to market your service | SLA event in Leeds, June 26
Professional Networking Tips for New Librarians | 7th June, Webinar, Noon EST / 17:00 GMT.
Online webinar for the ALA (American Library Association); recorded, so you can watch / listen to all of it, via this post.You already have a brand! Here are 5 ways to influence it...
Keynote at the New Professionals Day in May - the key message is Don't panic! Associated blogpost here.Marketing with new technologies
For the University College Research Group event on Web 2.0 and Mobile Technologies - view the presentation here.
Using Prezi Interactive Maps to Increase Student Engagement | LILAC, Glasgow, April 12th
This was a hands-on workshop at the big infolit conference - you can see the presentation here, and the online workbook here.The Time For Libraries Is Now | Latvia, April 24th-26th
I did a couple of versions of The Time For Libraries Is Now presentation for the Latvian Ministy of Culture, including presentations to the Latvian media and the University of Latvia's Library School, plus a recorded marketing presentation while I was out there. Here's the Library School presentation: New Librarians: This is your time.
(This has since been translated into Czech! Here's a link to Cas pro knihovny je TED!)
Marketing academic libraries in a web 2.0 world
This is a session I ran for the Bodleian at the Oxford Social Media 2011: Developments in Web 2 event in September.Escaping the echo-chamber
Laura and I presented a new version of our presentation about library advocacy and marketing outside the echo chamber, at CILIP's Umbrella conference in August. On Day 2 of Umbrella I also sat on a panel for a Future of Libraries Q&A, with Annie Mauger.The Machines Are Coming: Recent Advances in Library Technology
This Prezi on recent advances in library technology was created for a session at the Prison Libraries Group Training Day in May, in London.
Stop Breaking The Basic Rules of Presenting
An online only presentation which was a Featured Presentation on Slideshare.Escaping the Echo Chamber: Libraries, Marketing and Advocacy
I did the Escaping the Echo Chamberpresentation at the Libraries@Cambridge event at Cambridge University in January
Escaping the Echo Chamber
Laura and I did our Echo Chamberpresentation at an SLA Europe evening event, at the City Business Library in November.Techogeek? What you need to know about technology to work as an information professional
In November I presented on various aspects of library technology at the New Professionals Information Day, at Newcastle City Library. You can view the interactive Prezi and read the talk I gave, here. This was a repeat of the October session in London, below.Escaping the Echo Chamber
Laura and I did our Escaping the Echo Chamber presentation at the University of Northumbria's Mini Umbrella event. This is actually the only time we've used slides for this presentation - you can see them here. These became a Featured Presentation in the Education section of Slideshare.If you want to work in libraries, here are 10 things you need to know
The point of this was to make attractive enough slides that it would get picked up and displayed in lots of places. This worked, as it got into Slideshare's Hot on Twitter section, their Education section, and then their Featured Presentations on the homepage. It has been embeded in over 75 different websites, including careers sites in the US, and featured in the pages of the Guardian. If you want to work in libraries: click to view on SlideshareTechogeek? What you need to know about technology to work as an information professional
In October I presented on various aspects of library technology at New Professionals Information Day, in London at CILIP HQ. You can view the interactive Prezi and read the talk I gave, here.
Marketing Libraries Outside the Echo Chamber
In July 2010 Laura Woods and I performed our Escaping the Echo Chamber presentation for the first time, at the CILIP Career Development Group Yorkshire & Humberside AGM in Leeds - you can see the presentation materials here.Everything you need to know about blogs and blogging
I ran a workshop on Everything you need to know about blogs and blogging at CILIP's New Professionals Conference at the University of Sheffield - you can see the presentation materials in this blog post.The New Professionals Network
At the same event, I did a presentation with Chris Rhodes on the launch of the New Professionals Network - you can view the slides here.Leeds University Library
In May 2009 I gave this presentation about the library in general, and the digitisation programme in particular, as part of a CILIP Career Development Group visit to the University - you can see the slides used here.
Realising your potential: rising above the stereotypes
This paper was given at the CILIP Graduate Open Day in Octoboer 2009.
Why are we still defined by our building?
I presented a the CILIP New Professionals Conference in July 2009, winning the Best Paper Prize as voted for by the delegates.
Collaborative Digitisation Survey
A joint presentation given by Jane Secker and me (mostly by Jane, it has to be said!) in July 09, on the initial findings from the major survey into HEIs digitisation under the CLA's scanning licences can be found here.