On Tuesday the 12th of November I'm running a workshop on presentation skills in London. So many of us have to do presentations now, and it makes a big difference if you feel confident about it, and know some tips and tricks to make presenting easier and more effective. I'm really looking forward to it - it's the first time of doing this outside the British Library, where it's gone down really well. We'll be covering how to make lovely PowerPoints (even if you have to use a dreaded template), how to make your audience remember the things YOU want them to, tips for presenting itself, an introduction to Prezi and a bunch of other stuff too. You can read some of the kinds of things we'll be talking about in this 10 non-standard tips for public speaking post and this presentation on making presentations...
It's hands-on, at PCs. The details, including a booking form, are here.
One of my favourite ever pieces of feedback came for this course (it was unsolicited, too):
What I enjoyed so much about the presentation workshop:
1. Expertise in the subject matter
2. Relevant and highly useful information: presented and practiced
3. Clear and engaging presentation style
4. Professionalism with a great sense of humour, no hidden agenda
5. Dedication to collaborative professional development, to high standards, to excellence
... so I promise it'll be good! :) Hope to see you there.