I'd like your input on what you'd like from a (possible!) new book on marketing libraries... — Ned Potter

I'd like your input on what you'd like from a (possible!) new book on marketing libraries...

I’ve decided to avoid a long introduction and get straight to the point: I’d love your feedback on what a book about library marketing should contain. Here’s the form. For those interested, I’ve put the context below the embed!

I wrote The Library Marketing Toolkit in 2010, and it was published in 2011. It went incredibly well considering my relative inexperience at that time, and has become one of Facet Publishing’s best selling books ever.

However. It’s 13 years old now. That is SUCH a long time in library terms, in marketing terms, in life terms. I love the case studies in the book, but there’s not a single word of my parts I’d keep the same - it’s not that I disagree with my past self as such, I’ve just learned so much more about marketing in the intervening period. I’ve done so much marketing myself, and worked with literally hundreds of libraries on theirs - so I’d say different things if I were writing it today.

So perhaps the time is right to create a new marketing book, and before I get too far down the road with planning I wanted to get some feedback from the library road - hence the form above. If you take the time to fill in the form, or share it or this post with your networks, I’ll be really grateful. Cheers!