I very much think it’s time we got out organisations off Twitter / X, and I’m delighted to say there’s a real movement happening in that direction.
Since I wrote this blogpost about how to get your organisation off X and a shorter LinkledIn version which has had a lot of repostings, absolutely loads of people have got in touch from across librarianship and beyond, to say they’ve put the 5 suggested steps into practice and are getting off the platform.
I particularly loved this reposting from Angela Hursh, author of the Super Library Marketing blog:
“Here’s what happened when I stopped posting to Twitter:
✔ Traffic to my website remained the same.
✔I felt less stressed with one less platform to maintain!
✔I regretted nothing.
In order to try and reach an audience beyond my usual networks, I’ve re-written the piece for the Times Higher, and it sits somewhere between the two versions above in length. If you’ve not already read one of the others, have a look and see if you can start the process of becoming ex-X.
If you’re interested you can read my previous piece for the Times Higher on how departments and orgs can get better at using Instagram, here.