Marketing your library: online training for PiCS
I'm running one more set of dates for PiCS in 2017, aimed at Libraries in Australia.
The training will take place over two sessions, two days apart (the 12th and 14th of December), each lasting two hours. More details including booking can be found on PiCS' website.
This practical training covers the fundamentals of marketing your Library as a whole, or specific services within it. It's not about logos and slogans, it's about your community. We'll explore how to truly be heard and listened to above the white noise of modern life.
We'll look first at communication types and then work on segmenting your audience and tailoring messages for each group. We'll look at online publishing and social media, before tying everything together in a strategic marketing plan. Delegates will get a template marketing campaign document to work on in the session and then take back to their own institutions to develop. Everything in this workshop is designed to be applicable right away, whether you want to better communicate the value of a particular service or market your entire library.
““Ned Potter is extremely knowledgable and a fantastic presenter - best webinar I have ever attended!” NEFLIN, USA
”Lots of useful information presented in a fun and clear away. I came away with my head buzzing with ideas for things I wanted to do, learn more about, or information I wanted to pass on to colleagues.” Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University
“Comprehensive and useful, at a level that is readily understandable. Lots of useful tools to take away. Really, really valuable. Great presentation style. Relaxed and informative, lots of practical examples and visuals” - PiCS, Melbourne”